Rebirth of the Urban Immortal Cultivator Chapter 1008

Do not forget to leave comments when read manga
Talimar 05:32 - 08/24/2019
Where is chap 114 115 ?
Isaiab Maldonado 10:52 - 09/01/2019
Chapter 150 in English on YouTube
Name MangaAdik good translations 
Uploads almost daily if not daily good channel and peron over all so check em out
Carlos leonelli 09:23 - 09/03/2019
hey does anyone know what chapter to start on, when switching from manga to the novel?
Carlos leonelli 09:23 - 09/03/2019
vape burst 11:33 - 09/25/2019
Just watch on youtube english subbed all the way to 188 right now
reta tanaka 05:02 - 05/31/2020
Woahhh... cant hoId on where can I read the next chapter of this !!!emo
johnny taberu 05:05 - 05/31/2020
dk sis, i tried to search for the newest chapter as well but i can't find it anywhere. However, here's what i found when i tried to search on chapter 329 of this Rebirth of the Urban Immortal Cultivator Others on mangafast , you can read it maybe somehow it can be helpfull to you sis
johnny taberu 05:07 - 05/31/2020
woahhh thankss a far awayyyyy
johnny taberu 01:42 - 06/03/2020
Wow this comic is really amazing, it hooks me up last night. You can check it at mangafast if you want to know more about this comic, I belive you won't be disappointed :p
KRISHNA ARCHAT 13:24 - 07/05/2020
its hasn't been translated
ForNoReason 13:32 - 07/05/2020
cant wait tell the eng version is here! keep up the great work waiting for new chaps to be subbed
jedi 14:22 - 07/05/2020
chapters 351 to 369 all in Chinese, not translated
ForNoReason 16:02 - 08/04/2020
will he ever meet his aunt again? now that he's the monarch?
Kurt Eury Paranal 00:49 - 08/07/2021
this is so great bro. im addicted in this manhua, 100% worth of reading it take lonber for you to read it but it's worth it!